#r "BoSSSpad.dll"
//#r "D:\BoSSS2\experimental\public\src\L4-application\BoSSSpad\bin\Release\net5.0\bossspad.dll"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using ilPSP;
using ilPSP.Utils;
using BoSSS.Platform;
using BoSSS.Foundation;
using BoSSS.Foundation.Grid;
using BoSSS.Foundation.Grid.Classic;
using BoSSS.Foundation.IO;
using BoSSS.Solution;
using BoSSS.Solution.Control;
using BoSSS.Solution.GridImport;
using BoSSS.Solution.Statistic;
using BoSSS.Solution.Utils;
using BoSSS.Solution.Gnuplot;
using BoSSS.Application.BoSSSpad;
using BoSSS.Application.XNSE_Solver;
using static BoSSS.Application.BoSSSpad.BoSSSshell;
using BoSSS.Foundation.Grid.RefElements;
using BoSSS.Platform.LinAlg;
using BoSSS.Solution.NSECommon;
using BoSSS.Application.XNSEC;
Project name is set to 'HeatedCavity_NusseltStudy'. Default Execution queue is chosen for the database. Opening existing database '\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\databases\HeatedCavity_NusseltStudy'.
var myBatch = BoSSSshell.GetDefaultQueue();
var myDb = BoSSSshell.WorkflowMgm.DefaultDatabase;
Dictionary<double,double> NusseltSolutions = new Dictionary<double,double>();
NusseltSolutions.Add(1e2, 0.9787);
NusseltSolutions.Add(1e3, 1.1077);
NusseltSolutions.Add(1e4, 2.2180);
NusseltSolutions.Add(1e5, 4.4800);
NusseltSolutions.Add(1e6, 8.6870);
NusseltSolutions.Add(1e7, 16.2400);
Plot2Ddata[,] PlotTable = new Plot2Ddata[2, 3];
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 2; iCol++) {
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 3; iRow++) {
double[] RayleighS = new double[]{1e2,1e6};
int[] dgDegrees = new int[]{2,3,4};
var AllSessionsForRa = myDb.Sessions.Where(sess=>Convert.ToDouble(sess.KeysAndQueries["Rayleigh"]) == RayleighS[iCol]);
var sessionsforDg = AllSessionsForRa.Where(sess => sess.Name.Contains("DG"+dgDegrees[iRow])).OrderBy(sess => sess.GetGrids().Pick(0).NumberOfCells);
double[] NoOfCells = new double[sessionsforDg.Count()];
double[] LeftNusseltS = new double[sessionsforDg.Count()];
double[] RightNusseltS = new double[sessionsforDg.Count()];
int cnt = 0;
foreach(var sess in sessionsforDg ){
NoOfCells[cnt] = Math.Sqrt(sess.GetGrids().Pick(0).NumberOfCells);
LeftNusseltS[cnt] = Convert.ToDouble(sess.KeysAndQueries["NusseltNumber0"]) / 1.2;
RightNusseltS[cnt] = Convert.ToDouble(sess.KeysAndQueries["NusseltNumber1"]) / 1.2*(-1);
LineColors[] allColors = Enum.GetValues(typeof(LineColors)).Cast<LineColors>().ToArray();
PointTypes[] myPointTypes = new PointTypes[]{ PointTypes.Diamond, PointTypes.Box, PointTypes.LowerTriangle,PointTypes.OpenLowerTriangle, };
var plot = new Plot2Ddata();
var fmt = new PlotFormat();
fmt.Style = Styles.LinesPoints;
fmt.PointType = PointTypes.Diamond;
fmt.LineColor = LineColors.Blue;
plot.AddDataGroup( "Nu_h",NoOfCells, LeftNusseltS, fmt);
var fmt2 = new PlotFormat();
fmt2.Style = Styles.LinesPoints;
fmt2.DashType = DashTypes.Solid;
fmt2.LineColor = LineColors.Green;
plot.AddDataGroup( "Nu_c",NoOfCells, RightNusseltS, fmt2);
double Ra = iCol == 0? Ra = 1e2: 1e6;
double[] xRef = new double[]{0.0,140};
double[] yRef = new double[]{NusseltSolutions[Ra],NusseltSolutions[Ra]};
var fmt3 = new PlotFormat();
fmt3.Style = Styles.Lines;
fmt3.DashType = DashTypes.DotDashed;
fmt3.LineWidth = 2;
fmt3.LineColor = LineColors.Red;
plot.AddDataGroup( "Reference Value",xRef, yRef, fmt3);
string mytitle = "";
if(iCol == 0 && iRow == 0){
mytitle = "Ra= "+ Ra + ",dg= " + 2;
} else if(iCol == 0 && iRow == 1){
mytitle = "Ra= "+ Ra + ",dg= " + 3;
}else if(iCol == 0 && iRow == 2){
mytitle = "Ra= "+ Ra + ",dg= " + 4;
}else if(iCol == 1 && iRow == 0){
mytitle = "Ra= "+ Ra + ",dg= " + 2;
}else if(iCol == 1 && iRow == 1){
mytitle = "Ra= "+ Ra + ",dg= " + 3;
}else if(iCol == 1 && iRow == 2){
mytitle = "Ra= "+ Ra + ",dg= " + 4;
} else {throw new Exception("");}
plot.Title = mytitle;
plot.LegendPosition = new double[]{130,0.97};
PlotTable[iCol,iRow] = plot;
var gp = PlotTable.ToGnuplot();
Using gnuplot: C:\Program Files (x86)\FDY\BoSSS\bin\native\win\gnuplot-gp510-20160418-win32-mingw\gnuplot\bin\gnuplot.exe Note: In a Jupyter Worksheet, you must NOT have a trailing semicolon in order to see the plot on screen; otherwise, the output migth be surpressed.!
warning CS1701: Assuming assembly reference 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60' used by 'BoSSSpad' matches identity 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60' of 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstractions', you may need to supply runtime policy