Results published: Gutiérrez-Jorquera, Kummer: A fully coupled high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for diffusion flames in a low-Mach number framework
This example can be found in the source code repository as as HeatedCavity_RaSweep.ipynb
One can directly load this into Jupyter to interactively work with the following code examples.
Note: First, BoSSS has to be loaded into the Jupyter kernel. Note:
In the following line, the reference to BoSSSpad.dll
is required.
One must either set #r "BoSSSpad.dll"
to something which is appropirate for the current computer
(e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\FDY\BoSSS\bin\Release\net5.0\BoSSSpad.dll
if working with the binary distribution),
or, if one is working with the source code, one must compile BoSSSpad
and put it side-by-side to this worksheet file
(from the original location in the repository, one can use the scripts
, resp. getbossspad.bat
// #r "C:\BoSSS2\experimental\public\src\L4-application\BoSSSpad\bin\Release\net5.0\bossspad.dll"
#r "BoSSSpad.dll"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using ilPSP;
using ilPSP.Utils;
using BoSSS.Platform;
using BoSSS.Foundation;
using BoSSS.Foundation.Grid;
using BoSSS.Foundation.Grid.Classic;
using BoSSS.Foundation.IO;
using BoSSS.Solution;
using BoSSS.Solution.Control;
using BoSSS.Solution.GridImport;
using BoSSS.Solution.Statistic;
using BoSSS.Solution.Utils;
using BoSSS.Solution.Gnuplot;
using BoSSS.Application.BoSSSpad;
using BoSSS.Application.XNSE_Solver;
using static BoSSS.Application.BoSSSpad.BoSSSshell;
using BoSSS.Foundation.Grid.RefElements;
using BoSSS.Platform.LinAlg;
using BoSSS.Solution.NSECommon;
using BoSSS.Application.XNSEC;
Project name is set to 'HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy'. Default Execution queue is chosen for the database. Opening existing database '\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\databases\HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy'.
Batch System to use:
static var myDb = BoSSSshell.WorkflowMgm.DefaultDatabase;// = myDb;
A comparison with the benchmark results from Vierendeels (DOI 10.1108/09615530310501957) for Ra = [1e2,1e3,1e4,1e5,1e6,1e7] is done
int[] Resolutions = new int[]{5};
int[] DGdegree = new int[]{ 3 };
int[] nCells = Resolutions.Select(r => (int)(Math.Pow(2,r+1))).ToArray();
double[] Rayleighs = new double[] {1e2,1e3,1e4,1e5,1e6,1e7};
public static class GridFactory {
public static double[] GetXNodes(int Res) {
var xNodes = GenericBlas.SinLinSpacing(-0.5, 0.5, 0.0, Res + 1);
return xNodes;
static double[] GetYNodes(int Res) {
double[] yNodes = GenericBlas.SinLinSpacing(-0.5, 0.5,0.0, Res + 1);
return yNodes;
public static Grid2D GenerateGrid(int Res) {
var xNodes = GetXNodes(Res);
var yNodes = GetYNodes(Res);
var grd = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodes, yNodes);
grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "NoSlipNeumann");
grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(2, "wall_tempfixed_left");
grd.EdgeTagNames.Add(3, "wall_tempfixed_right");
grd.DefineEdgeTags( delegate (double[] X) {
double x = X[0];
double y = X[1];
//Edge tags
//1: Adiabatic no slip wall
//2: Temperature fixed no slip wall
//right cold wall
if (Math.Abs(x - 0.5) < 1e-8)
return 3;
//bottom adiabatic Wall
if (Math.Abs(y - 0.5 ) < 1e-8)
return 1;
// left hot wall
if (Math.Abs(x + 0.5) < 1e-8)
return 2;
//top adiabatic Wall
if (Math.Abs(y + 0.5 ) < 1e-8)
return 1;
else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
myDb.SaveGrid(ref grd);
return grd;
public static class BoundaryValueFactory {
public static string GetPrefixCode(double Th, double Tc, double Froude) {
using(var stw = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
stw.WriteLine("static class BoundaryValues {");
stw.WriteLine(" static public double VelX(double[] X) {");
stw.WriteLine(" return 0.0;");
stw.WriteLine(" }");
stw.WriteLine(" static public double VelY(double[] X) {");
stw.WriteLine(" return 0.0;");
stw.WriteLine(" }");
stw.WriteLine(" static public double TemperatureHot(double[] X) {");
stw.WriteLine(" return 1.6;");
stw.WriteLine(" }");
stw.WriteLine(" static public double TemperatureCold(double[] X) {");
stw.WriteLine(" return 0.4;");
stw.WriteLine(" }");
stw.WriteLine(" static public double One(double[] X) {");
stw.WriteLine(" return 1.0;");
stw.WriteLine(" }");
stw.WriteLine(" static public double Zero(double[] X) {");
stw.WriteLine(" return 0.0;");
stw.WriteLine(" }");
stw.WriteLine(" static public double InitialPressure(double[] X) { ");
stw.WriteLine(" return (-1)* X[1] / ("+Froude * Froude +") ;");
stw.WriteLine(" }");
return stw.ToString();
static public Formula Get_VelX(double Th, double Tc , double Froude) {
return new Formula("BoundaryValues.VelX", AdditionalPrefixCode:GetPrefixCode(Th,Tc,Froude));
static public Formula Get_VelY(double Th, double Tc, double Froude){
return new Formula("BoundaryValues.VelY", AdditionalPrefixCode:GetPrefixCode(Th,Tc,Froude));
static public Formula Get_TemperatureHot(double Th, double Tc, double Froude){
return new Formula("BoundaryValues.TemperatureHot", AdditionalPrefixCode:GetPrefixCode(Th,Tc,Froude));
static public Formula Get_TemperatureCold(double Th, double Tc, double Froude){
return new Formula("BoundaryValues.TemperatureCold", AdditionalPrefixCode:GetPrefixCode(Th,Tc,Froude));
static public Formula Get_One(double Th, double Tc, double Froude){
return new Formula("BoundaryValues.One", AdditionalPrefixCode:GetPrefixCode(Th,Tc,Froude));
static public Formula Get_Zero(double Th, double Tc, double Froude){
return new Formula("BoundaryValues.Zero", AdditionalPrefixCode:GetPrefixCode(Th,Tc,Froude));
static public Formula Get_InitialPressure(double Th, double Tc, double Froude){
return new Formula("BoundaryValues.InitialPressure", AdditionalPrefixCode:GetPrefixCode(Th,Tc,Froude));
var controls = new List<XNSEC_Control>();
var controls = new List<BoSSS.Application.XNSEC.XNSEC_Control>();
double Th = 1.6; double Tc = 0.4;
foreach(double Ra in Rayleighs){
foreach(int dg in DGdegree){
foreach(int Res in Resolutions) {
var C = new BoSSS.Application.XNSEC.XNSEC_Control();
var nCells = (int) Math.Pow(2,Res+1);
C.Paramstudy_CaseIdentification.Add(new Tuple<string, object>("Res", Res));
C.Paramstudy_CaseIdentification.Add(new Tuple<string, object>("Dgdegree", dg));
C.Paramstudy_CaseIdentification.Add(new Tuple<string, object>("Rayleigh", Ra));
C.SessionName = "NaturalConvection_k" + Res + "_DG" + dg+ "_Ra"+Ra;
C.EnableMassFractions = false;
C.NumberOfChemicalSpecies = 1;
C.ChemicalReactionActive = false;
C.MatParamsMode = MaterialParamsMode.Sutherland;
C.physicsMode = PhysicsMode.Combustion;
C.TimesteppingMode = AppControl._TimesteppingMode.Steady;
C.LinearSolver = LinearSolverCode.direct_pardiso.GetConfig();
C.NonLinearSolver.verbose = true;
C.NonLinearSolver.MaxSolverIterations = 100;
C.PenaltyViscMomentum = 1.0 * 1;
C.PenaltyHeatConduction = 1.0 * 1;
C.PhysicalParameters.IncludeConvection = true;
C.UseSelfMadeTemporalOperator = false;
C.timeDerivativeEnergyp0_OK = false;
C.timeDerivativeConti_OK = false;
C.EdgeTagsNusselt = new string[] { "wall_tempfixed_left", "wall_tempfixed_right", "NoSlipNeumann" };
C.Rayleigh = Ra;
C.Reynolds = Math.Sqrt(Ra);
C.Prandtl = 0.71;
double Fr =Math.Sqrt(2 * C.Prandtl * (1.6 - 0.4) / (1.6 + 0.4));
C.Froude = Fr;
C.HeatCapacityRatio = 1.4;
C.T_ref_Sutherland = 600;
C.ThermodynamicPressureMode = ThermodynamicPressureMode.MassDetermined; // Because its a closed system, i.e. p0 = p0(time)
C.PhysicalParameters.IncludeConvection = true;
C.Timestepper_LevelSetHandling = BoSSS.Solution.XdgTimestepping.LevelSetHandling.None;
if(Ra > 1e5){ // For Rayleigh numbers greater than 1e5 the newton-dogleg algorithm doesnt find a solution within ~ 70 iterations => Use homotopy
C.HomotopyVariable = XNSEC_Control.HomotopyVariableEnum.Reynolds;
C.homotopieAimedValue = Math.Sqrt(Ra);
C.StartingHomotopyValue = Math.Sqrt(1e5); // Suficiently easy to find solution
C.HomotopyApproach = XNSEC_Control.HomotopyType.Automatic;
C.NonLinearSolver.HomotopyStepLongFail = 100;
C.AddBoundaryValue("NoSlipNeumann", VariableNames.VelocityX,BoundaryValueFactory.Get_VelX(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddBoundaryValue("NoSlipNeumann", VariableNames.VelocityY,BoundaryValueFactory.Get_VelY(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddBoundaryValue("wall_tempfixed_left", VariableNames.Temperature,BoundaryValueFactory.Get_TemperatureHot(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddBoundaryValue("wall_tempfixed_right", VariableNames.Temperature, BoundaryValueFactory.Get_TemperatureCold(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddBoundaryValue("wall_tempfixed_left", VariableNames.MassFraction0, BoundaryValueFactory.Get_One(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddBoundaryValue("wall_tempfixed_right", VariableNames.MassFraction0, BoundaryValueFactory.Get_One(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddInitialValue(VariableNames.VelocityX, BoundaryValueFactory.Get_Zero(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddInitialValue(VariableNames.VelocityY,BoundaryValueFactory.Get_Zero(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddInitialValue(VariableNames.Pressure,BoundaryValueFactory.Get_InitialPressure(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddInitialValue(VariableNames.Temperature,BoundaryValueFactory.Get_One(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddInitialValue(VariableNames.MassFraction0, BoundaryValueFactory.Get_One(Th, Tc,Fr));
C.AddInitialValue(VariableNames.ThermodynamicPressure,BoundaryValueFactory.Get_One(Th, Tc,Fr));
// Note (fk 09oct23): The following two settings seem to influence the value of the thermodynamic pressure.
// The reason is not clear.
// In recent merge requests, the default values for these two properties changed from false to true,
// causing the follow-up nutebook (`HeatedCavity_RaSweepPostProc.ipynb`) to fail when checking the
// value of the thermodynamic pressure. All other checked properties seem un-affected.
// This should be invesigated closer if any future works build upon this solver.
C.DynamicLoadBalancing_On = false;
C.DynamicLoadBalancing_RedistributeAtStartup = false;
Grid Edge Tags changed. An equivalent grid (801ecb15-ca90-4b50-b1c7-7268059ebd23) is already present in the database -- the grid will not be saved. Grid Edge Tags changed. An equivalent grid (801ecb15-ca90-4b50-b1c7-7268059ebd23) is already present in the database -- the grid will not be saved. Grid Edge Tags changed. An equivalent grid (801ecb15-ca90-4b50-b1c7-7268059ebd23) is already present in the database -- the grid will not be saved. Grid Edge Tags changed. An equivalent grid (801ecb15-ca90-4b50-b1c7-7268059ebd23) is already present in the database -- the grid will not be saved. Grid Edge Tags changed. An equivalent grid (801ecb15-ca90-4b50-b1c7-7268059ebd23) is already present in the database -- the grid will not be saved. Grid Edge Tags changed. An equivalent grid (801ecb15-ca90-4b50-b1c7-7268059ebd23) is already present in the database -- the grid will not be saved.
BoSSSshell.ExecutionQueues.ForEach(q => Console.WriteLine(q))
MS HPC client MSHPC-Gitrunner-HighPrio @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\BoSSStests MS HPC client MSHPC-Gitrunner-DefaultTest @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\BoSSStests MS HPC client MSHPC-AllNodes @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\deploy MS HPC client MSHPC-AllNodes-test @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\BoSSStests MS HPC client MSHPC-FastNodes @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\deploy
//var myBatch = BoSSSshell.ExecutionQueues[0];
//myBatch.AllowedDatabasesPaths.Add(new AllowedDatabasesPair(myDb.Path,""));
Type solver = typeof(BoSSS.Application.XNSEC.XNSEC);
foreach(var c in controls) {
string jobName = c.SessionName;
var oneJob = new Job(jobName, solver);
oneJob.NumberOfMPIProcs = 6;
Console.WriteLine("Executing " + jobName );
Executing NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra100 Deployments so far (1): (Job token: 820429, FinishedSuccessful 'HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy-XNSEC2023Nov09_131724.596787' @ MS HPC client MSHPC-AllNodes @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\deploy, FinishedSuccessful); Success: 1 Info: Found successful session "HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra100 11/09/2023 13:17:51 082ec5d1..." -- job is marked as successful, no further action. No submission, because job status is: FinishedSuccessful Executing NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra1000 Deployments so far (1): (Job token: 820431, FinishedSuccessful 'HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy-XNSEC2023Nov09_131741.409230' @ MS HPC client MSHPC-AllNodes @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\deploy, FinishedSuccessful); Success: 1 Info: Found successful session "HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra1000 11/09/2023 13:18:08 cf5599f9..." -- job is marked as successful, no further action. No submission, because job status is: FinishedSuccessful Executing NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra10000 Deployments so far (1): (Job token: 820432, FinishedSuccessful 'HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy-XNSEC2023Nov09_131800.303207' @ MS HPC client MSHPC-AllNodes @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\deploy, FinishedSuccessful); Success: 1 Info: Found successful session "HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra10000 11/09/2023 13:18:27 b7690393..." -- job is marked as successful, no further action. No submission, because job status is: FinishedSuccessful Executing NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra100000 Deployments so far (1): (Job token: 820434, FinishedSuccessful 'HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy-XNSEC2023Nov09_131819.452861' @ MS HPC client MSHPC-AllNodes @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\deploy, FinishedSuccessful); Success: 1 Info: Found successful session "HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra100000 11/09/2023 13:18:47 543c6f35..." -- job is marked as successful, no further action. No submission, because job status is: FinishedSuccessful Executing NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra1000000 Deployments so far (1): (Job token: 820436, FinishedSuccessful 'HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy-XNSEC2023Nov09_131838.650298' @ MS HPC client MSHPC-AllNodes @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\deploy, FinishedSuccessful); Success: 1 Info: Found successful session "HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra1000000 11/09/2023 13:19:06 9ceb8fb7..." -- job is marked as successful, no further action. No submission, because job status is: FinishedSuccessful Executing NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra10000000 Deployments so far (1): (Job token: 820437, FinishedSuccessful 'HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy-XNSEC2023Nov09_131857.832509' @ MS HPC client MSHPC-AllNodes @DC2, @\\fdygitrunner\ValidationTests\deploy, FinishedSuccessful); Success: 1 Info: Found successful session "HeatedCavity_RayleighSweepStudy NaturalConvection_k5_DG3_Ra10000000 11/09/2023 13:19:26 a6cc631b..." -- job is marked as successful, no further action. No submission, because job status is: FinishedSuccessful
// // wait for all jobs to finish (up to 1 day, check every 1 minutes)
BoSSSshell.WorkflowMgm.BlockUntilAllJobsTerminate(TimeOutSeconds:(3600*24*1), PollingIntervallSeconds:(60*1));
All jobs finished.
Test for failed Jobs:
// detect failed Jobs in the job management
var suspects = BoSSSshell.WorkflowMgm.AllJobs.Select(kv => kv.Value)
.Where(job => job.LatestSession.Tags.Contains(SessionInfo.NOT_TERMINATED_TAG)
|| job.LatestSession.Tags.Contains(SessionInfo.SOLVER_ERROR)).ToArray();
NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(suspects.Count() <= 0, $"{suspects.Count()} Failed Jobs of {BoSSSshell.WorkflowMgm.AllJobs.Count()} in total.");