Linear Solver Performance: XDG Stokes, Single Core

Part 1, Benchmark Setup and Execution

Utility definitions

Init grids and save to database

Note: The dimension of the domain $(-1,1)^3$ are assumed to be centimeters! In this benchmark, realistic physical values are used, i.e. densities and viscosities of

Setup Control Object for a Solver Run

Setup of Parameter Study

Polynomial degrees to test:

Solvers which we want to instrument:

Maximum Dof for one calculation (we skip fine grids for higher polynomial orders):

Loop over all combinations of parameters and define a control object for each combo:

Total number of simulations:

Launch Jobs

Use the default queue defined on this machine:

Wait for Completion and Check Job Status

Asserting Success:

Remark: since this is currently (22 Apr. 2022) work-in-progress, we allow for some jobs to fail; At this intermediate milestone, I want to record (by the means of tests) what is already working. Thereby, I hope I won't break the working cases while trying to fix the failing ones.