The Stokes-equation is given as
$$ -\frac{1}{Re} \Delta \vec{u} + \nabla p \ = \vec{g} $$$$ \text{div} (\vec{u}) = 0 $$Where $Re \in \mathbb{R} $ denotes the Reynolds number. We consider two types of boundary conditions for the Stokes equation, Dirichlet (on $\Gamma_D \subset \Omega$) and Neumman (on $\Gamma_N \subset \Omega$). Those are defined as $$ \vec{u} =\vec{u}_D \ \text{ on } \Gamma_D\ \text{ (Dirichlet)}, \\ % \left( -\frac{1}{Re}\ \nabla \vec{u} + I_p \psi \right) \vec{n}\vert_{\delta \Omega} = 0 \ \text{ on } \Gamma_N\ \text{ (Neumann) } . $$
First, we initialize the new worksheet; Note:
One can directly load this into Jupyter to interactively work with the following code examples.BoSSSpad.dll
is required.
You must either set #r "BoSSSpad.dll"
to something which is appropirate for your computer
(e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\FDY\BoSSS\bin\Release\net5.0\BoSSSpad.dll
if you installed the binary distribution),
or, if you are working with the source code, you must compile BoSSSpad
and put it side-by-side to this worksheet file
(from the original location in the repository, you can use the scripts
, resp. getbossspad.bat
).#r "BoSSSpad.dll"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ilPSP;
using ilPSP.Utils;
using BoSSS.Platform;
using BoSSS.Foundation;
using BoSSS.Foundation.Grid;
using BoSSS.Foundation.Grid.Classic;
using BoSSS.Foundation.IO;
using BoSSS.Solution;
using BoSSS.Solution.Control;
using BoSSS.Solution.GridImport;
using BoSSS.Solution.Statistic;
using BoSSS.Solution.Utils;
using BoSSS.Solution.Gnuplot;
using BoSSS.Application.BoSSSpad;
using BoSSS.Application.XNSE_Solver;
using static BoSSS.Application.BoSSSpad.BoSSSshell;
using ilPSP.LinSolvers;
using BoSSS.Solution.Tecplot;
using ilPSP.Connectors.Matlab;
/// BoSSScmdSilent BoSSSexeSilent
using NUnit.Framework;
To inicate at which point of the boundary which condition is valid, i.e. wether a certain point is eiter Dirichlet or Neumann we define IsDirichletBndy which defines a mapping $$ \vec{x} \mapsto \{ \text{true}, \text{false} \}, $$ where true actually indicates a Dirichlet boundary. Since this function is defined as a global delegate, it can be altered later on. In the same manner, the function UDiri defines the Dirichlet-value for the velocity at the boundary.
static class BndyMap {
public static Func<double[],bool> IsDirichletBndy = null;
public static Func<double[],double[]> UDiri = null;
At first, we implement the velocity divergence, i.e. the continuity equation. We use the strong form, i.e. $$ b(\vec{u},v) = \oint_{\Gamma \backslash \GammaD} \bar{v} \quad \lbrack \lbrack {\vec{u}}\rbrack\rbrack \cdot \vec{n}\Gamma
\int_{\Omega} \text{div}(\vec{u}) v ~ dV.
public class Divergence :
BoSSS.Foundation.IEdgeForm, // edge integrals
BoSSS.Foundation.IVolumeForm // volume integrals
/// The parameter list for the divergence is empty:
public IList<string> ParameterOrdering {
get { return null; }
/// We have a vector argument variable,
/// the velocity [ u, v ] = u
/// (our trial function):
public IList<String> ArgumentOrdering {
get { return new string[] { "u", "v" }; }
public TermActivationFlags VolTerms {
get {
return TermActivationFlags.AllOn;
public TermActivationFlags InnerEdgeTerms {
get {
return TermActivationFlags.AllOn;
public TermActivationFlags BoundaryEdgeTerms {
get {
return TermActivationFlags.AllOn;
/// In the volume part, the integrand is div(u)*v :
public double VolumeForm(ref CommonParamsVol cpv,
double[] U, double[,] GradU,
double V, double[] GradV) {
double Acc = 0;
for(int d = 0; d < cpv.D; d++) {
Acc -= GradU[d,d]*V;
return Acc;
/// On interior cell boundaries, we use a velocity penalty,
/// $\mean{v} \jump{u} \cdot n_\Gamma$:
public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp,
double[] U_IN, double[] U_OT, double[,] GradU_IN, double[,] GradU_OT,
double V_IN, double V_OT, double[] GradV_IN, double[] GradV_OT) {
double Acc = 0;
for(int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++) {
Acc += 0.5*(V_IN + V_OT)*(U_IN[d] - U_OT[d])*inp.Normal[d];
return Acc;
/// On the domain boundary, we have to distinguish between
/// Dirichlet- and Neumann-boundary conditions; the function
/// \code{uDiri} defines which of the two actually applies:
public double BoundaryEdgeForm(ref CommonParamsBnd inp,
double[] U_IN, double[,] GradU_IN, double V_IN, double[] GradV_OT) {
double Acc = 0;
if(!BndyMap.IsDirichletBndy(inp.X)) {
// On the Neumann boundary, we do not know an outer value for the
// velocity, so there is no penalization at all:
Acc = 0;
} else {
// On the Dirichlet boundary, the outer value for the velocity
// is given by the function/delegate 'UDiri':
double[] UD = BndyMap.UDiri(inp.X);
for(int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++) {
Acc += (U_IN[d] - UD[d])*inp.Normal[d]*V_IN;
return Acc;
We use the variational formulation of the gradient operator, as it is explained in the section concerning the Poisson System
class Gradient_d :
BoSSS.Foundation.IEdgeForm, // edge integrals
BoSSS.Foundation.IVolumeForm // volume integrals
public Gradient_d(int _d) {
this.d = _d;
/// The component index of the gradient:
int d;
/// As usual, we do not use parameters:
public IList<string> ParameterOrdering {
get { return null; }
/// We have one argument, the pressure $\psi$:
public IList<String> ArgumentOrdering {
get { return new string[] { "psi" }; }
public TermActivationFlags VolTerms {
get { return TermActivationFlags.AllOn; }
public TermActivationFlags InnerEdgeTerms {
get { return (TermActivationFlags.AllOn); }
public TermActivationFlags BoundaryEdgeTerms {
get { return TermActivationFlags.AllOn; }
/// The volume integrand, for a vector-valued test-function $\vec{v}$
/// would be $-\operatorname{div}{\vec{v}} \psi$. Our test function $v$
/// is scalar-valued, so e.g. for $\code{d} = 0$ we have
/// $\vec{v} = (v,0)$. In this case, our volume integrand reduces as
/// $-\operatorname{div}{\vec{v}} \psi = -\partial_x v \psi$:
public double VolumeForm(ref CommonParamsVol cpv,
double[] Psi, double[,] GradPsi,
double V, double[] GradV) {
double Acc = 0;
Acc -= Psi[0]*GradV[d];
return Acc;
/// On interior cell edges, we simply use a central-difference flux.
/// Again, we consider a scalar test function, so we have
/// $ \jump{\psi} \vec{v} \cdot \vec{n} = \jump{\psi} v n_d $,
/// where $n_d$ is the $d$--th component of $\vec{n}$:
public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp,
double[] Psi_IN, double[] Psi_OT,
double[,] GradPsi_IN, double[,] GradPsi_OT,
double V_IN, double V_OT, double[] GradV_IN, double[] GradV_OT) {
double Acc = 0;
Acc += 0.5*(Psi_IN[0] + Psi_OT[0])*inp.Normal[this.d]*(V_IN - V_OT);
return Acc;
public double BoundaryEdgeForm(ref CommonParamsBnd inp,
double[] Psi_IN, double[,] GradPsi_IN, double V_IN, double[] GradV_OT) {
double Acc = 0;
if(!BndyMap.IsDirichletBndy(inp.X)) {
// On the Neumann boundary, we want the total stress to be zero,
// so there is no contribution from the pressure:
Acc = 0;
} else {
// On the Dirichlet boundary, we do not know an outer value for
// the pressure, so we have to take the inner value:
Acc += Psi_IN[0]*inp.Normal[this.d]*V_IN;
return Acc;
If our implementation is correct, we created a discretization of $$ \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 0 & \nabla \\ -\operatorname{div} & 0 \\ \end{array} \right] $$ so the matrix should have the form $$ \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 0 & B \\ B^T & 0 \\ \end{array} \right] =: M, $$ i.e. $M$ should be symmetric. We are testing this using a channel flow configuration using an equidistant grid.
We create a grid, a DG basis for velocity and pressure and a variable mapping:
var xNodesChannel = GenericBlas.Linspace(0,10,31);// 30 cells in x-direction
var yNodesChannel = GenericBlas.Linspace(-1,1,7); // 6 cells in y-direction
var grdChannel = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodesChannel,yNodesChannel);
var VelBChannel = new Basis(grdChannel, 2); // velocity basis
var PsiBChannel = new Basis(grdChannel, 1); // pressure basis
var varMapChannel = new UnsetteledCoordinateMapping(
VelBChannel,VelBChannel,PsiBChannel); // variable mapping
We specify the boundary conditions as delegates:
Func<double[],bool> IsDirichletBndy_Channel
= (X => Math.Abs(X[0] - 10) > 1.0e-10); // its Dirichlet, if x != 10
Func<double[],double[]> UDiri_Channel
= (X => new double[2] { 1.0 - X[1]*X[1], 0});
Let's create the operator which contains only the pressure gradient and velocity divergence:
DifferentialOperator GradDiv = new DifferentialOperator(3,3, // 3 vars. in dom. & codom.
QuadOrderFunc.Linear(), // linear operator
"u", "v", "psi", // names of domain variables
"mom_x", "mom_y", "conti"); // names of codom. vars
GradDiv.EquationComponents["mom_x"].Add(new Gradient_d(0));
GradDiv.EquationComponents["mom_y"].Add(new Gradient_d(1));
GradDiv.EquationComponents["conti"].Add(new Divergence());
We create the matrix of the GradDiv-operator for the channel configuration. Before that, we have to set values for the global IsDirichletBndy and UDiri-variables.
BndyMap. IsDirichletBndy = IsDirichletBndy_Channel;
BndyMap.UDiri = UDiri_Channel;
var GradDivMatrix_Channel = GradDiv.ComputeMatrix(varMapChannel,
Finally, we can test the symmetry of the matrix:
var ErrMtx = GradDivMatrix_Channel - GradDivMatrix_Channel.Transpose();
/// NUnit test (few random tests) BoSSScmdSilent
Assert.LessOrEqual(ErrMtx.InfNorm(), 1e-12);
We use the SIP-operator from chapter SIP to model the viscous terms:
public class Viscous :
IEdgeForm, // edge integrals
IVolumeForm, // volume integrals
IEquationComponentCoefficient // update of coefficients required for penalty parameters
/// The velocity component:
int d;
public Viscous(int _d) {
this.d = _d;
/// We implement Reynolds number and the polynomial degree,
/// as well as the cell-wise length scales (required for
/// the computation of the penalty factor) as global, static variables.
public static double Re;
/// We do not use parameters:
public IList<string> ParameterOrdering {
get { return new string[0]; }
/// Depending on \code{d}, the argument variable
/// should be either $u$ or $v$:
public IList<String> ArgumentOrdering {
get {
switch(d) {
case 0 : return new string[] { "u" };
case 1 : return new string[] { "v" };
default : throw new Exception();
/// The \code{TermActivationFlags}, as usual:
public TermActivationFlags VolTerms {
get {
return TermActivationFlags.GradUxGradV;
public TermActivationFlags InnerEdgeTerms {
get {
return TermActivationFlags.AllOn;
public TermActivationFlags BoundaryEdgeTerms {
get {
return TermActivationFlags.AllOn;
/// The integrand for the volume integral:
public double VolumeForm(ref CommonParamsVol cpv,
double[] U, double[,] GradU,
double V, double[] GradV) {
double acc = 0;
for(int d = 0; d < cpv.D; d++)
acc += GradU[0, d] * GradV[d];
return (1/Re)*acc;
/// The integrand for the integral on the inner edges:
public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp,
double[] U_IN, double[] U_OT, double[,] GradU_IN, double[,] GradU_OT,
double V_IN, double V_OT, double[] GradV_IN, double[] GradV_OT) {
double eta = PenaltyFactor(inp.jCellIn, inp.jCellOut);
double Acc = 0.0;
for(int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++) { // loop over vector components
// consistency term: -({{ \/u }} [[ v ]])*Normal
// index d: spatial direction
Acc -= 0.5 * (GradU_IN[0, d] + GradU_OT[0, d])*(V_IN - V_OT)
* inp.Normal[d];
// the symmetry term -({{ \/v }} [[ u ]])*Normal
Acc -= 0.5 * (GradV_IN[d] + GradV_OT[d])*(U_IN[0] - U_OT[0])
* inp.Normal[d];;
// the penalty term eta*[[u]]*[[v]]
Acc += eta*(U_IN[0] - U_OT[0])*(V_IN - V_OT);
return (1/Re)*Acc;
/// The integrand on boundary edges, i.e. on $\partial \Omega$:
public double BoundaryEdgeForm(ref CommonParamsBnd inp,
double[] U_IN, double[,] GradU_IN, double V_IN, double[] GradV_IN) {
double Acc = 0.0;
if(!BndyMap.IsDirichletBndy(inp.X)) {
// Neumann boundary conditions, i.e. zero-stress:
Acc = 0;
} else {
// Dirichlet boundary conditions
double uBnd = BndyMap.UDiri(inp.X)[d];
for(int d = 0; d < inp.D; d++) { // loop over vector components
// consistency term:
Acc -= (GradU_IN[0, d])*(V_IN) * inp.Normal[d];
// symmetry term:
Acc -= (GradV_IN[d])*(U_IN[0]- uBnd) * inp.Normal[d];
// penalty term
double eta = PenaltyFactor(inp.jCellIn, -1);
Acc += eta*(U_IN[0] - uBnd)*(V_IN);
return (1/Re)*Acc;
MultidimensionalArray cj;
double penalty_base;
double PenaltyFactor(int jCellIn, int jCellOut) {
double PenaltySafety = 2;
double cj_in = cj[jCellIn];
double eta = penalty_base * cj_in * PenaltySafety;
if(jCellOut >= 0) {
double cj_out = cj[jCellOut];
eta = Math.Max(eta, penalty_base * cj_out * PenaltySafety);
return eta;
/// Update of penalty length scales.
public void CoefficientUpdate(CoefficientSet cs, int[] DomainDGdeg, int TestDGdeg) {
int D = cs.GrdDat.SpatialDimension;
double _D = D;
double _p = DomainDGdeg.Max();
double penalty_deg_tri = (_p + 1) * (_p + _D) / _D; // formula for triangles/tetras
double penalty_deg_sqr = (_p + 1.0) * (_p + 1.0); // formula for squares/cubes
penalty_base = Math.Max(penalty_deg_tri, penalty_deg_sqr); // the conservative choice
cj = ((GridData)(cs.GrdDat)).Cells.cj;
(16,26): warning CS0649: Field 'Viscous.Re' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
Finally, we are ready to implement the Stokes operator:
DifferentialOperator Stokes = new DifferentialOperator(3,3, // 3 vars. in dom. & codom.
QuadOrderFunc.Linear(), // linear operator
"u", "v", "psi", // names of domain variables
"mom_x", "mom_y", "conti"); // names of codom. vars
Stokes.EquationComponents["mom_x"].Add(new Gradient_d(0));
Stokes.EquationComponents["mom_x"].Add(new Viscous(0));
Stokes.EquationComponents["mom_y"].Add(new Gradient_d(1));
Stokes.EquationComponents["mom_y"].Add(new Viscous(1));
Stokes.EquationComponents["conti"].Add(new Divergence());
Again, we create the matrix (now, for the Stokes operator) and check its symmetry;
we also have to set the Reynolds number and the polynomial degree before calling ComputeMatrix (since we are doing a rather dirty trick by using global variables).
BndyMap.IsDirichletBndy = IsDirichletBndy_Channel;
BndyMap.UDiri = UDiri_Channel;
Viscous.Re = 20.0;
var StokesMatrix_Channel = Stokes.ComputeMatrix(varMapChannel,
Testing the symmetry:
var ErrMtx1 = StokesMatrix_Channel - StokesMatrix_Channel.Transpose();
/// NUnit test (few random tests) BoSSScmdSilent
Assert.LessOrEqual(ErrMtx1.InfNorm(), 1e-12);
We also verify that our Stokes-matrix has full rank, i.e. we show that matrix size and rank are equal:
/// NUnit test (few random tests) BoSSScmdSilent
Assert.AreEqual(StokesMatrix_Channel.rank(), StokesMatrix_Channel.NoOfRows);
We set the parameters and see whether we actually obtain the correct solution; the exact solution of our problem is $$ \vec{u}_{\text{ex}} = (1 - y^2, 0 )^T, \quad p_{\text{ex}} = \frac{200}{\text{Re}} - x \frac{2}{\text{Re}} $$ and since it is polynomial we should be able to obtain it \emph{exactly} in our velocity-pressure-space of degrees $(2,1)$.
BndyMap.IsDirichletBndy = IsDirichletBndy_Channel;
BndyMap.UDiri = UDiri_Channel;
Viscous.Re = 20.0;
var StokesMatrix_Channel = Stokes.ComputeMatrix(varMapChannel,
var StokesAffine_Channel = Stokes.ComputeAffine(varMapChannel,
Now, we are ready to solve the stokes equation. \BoSSS\ provides us with a system $$ \texttt{StokesMatrix Channel} \cdot (u,v,\psi)
double[] RHS = StokesAffine_Channel.CloneAs();
In order to store our solution, we have to create DG fields:
SinglePhaseField u = new SinglePhaseField(VelBChannel,"u");
SinglePhaseField v = new SinglePhaseField(VelBChannel,"v");
SinglePhaseField psi = new SinglePhaseField(PsiBChannel,"psi");
CoordinateVector SolutionChannel = new CoordinateVector(u,v,psi);
Solve the linear system using a direct method:
StokesMatrix_Channel.Solve_Direct(SolutionChannel, RHS);
We export the solution to a Tecplot file, use Visit (or any other visualization software) to inspect the solution:
Tecplot("Box", SolutionChannel.Fields.ToArray());
Writing output file C:\Gitlab-Runner\builds\PYSUsL3w\1\kummer\bosss-public\src\L4-application\PublicTestRunner\bin\Release\net6.0\Box... done.
We use the following setting:
So, the boundary functions are:
Func<double[],bool> IsDirichletBndy_GridFlow
= (X => Math.Abs(X[0] - 5) > 1.0e-10);
Func<double[],double[]> UDiri_GridFlow
= (X => new double[2] { 1.0 - (2*(X[1] - Math.Floor(X[1])) - 1).Pow2(),
the rest is for you! One hint: in $y$-direction, use some spacing so that you have cell boundaries at (least at) $y \in \{ -1, 0, 1 \}$.